
HOW DO I WRITE NEW MYSTERIES THAT FEEL FRESH WHILE STILL PROGRESSING THE OVERALL ARC OF ALICE MADISON When I started writing the first novel in the Alice Madison series – THE GIFT OF DARKNESS – the idea that one day I would have to pause and mull over the question of fresh mysteries versus character’s development would have seemed completely baffling. It is a question that can only be answered retrospectively because in my experience – more often than not – stories and characters do have […]

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BLOG POST FOR BOOK REVIEWS AND MORE BY KATHY Before I started writing I worked in film editing for many years and the dynamics of storytelling have stayed with me. Film editing is about drawing the audience into the story and I’ve tried to put the lessons I’ve learned in the cutting room to good use on the page.   In BLOOD AND BONE – the third in the Alice […]

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IF IN DOUBT, ASK  Research is a wonderful thing. If you are a writer, research is the magical thing that gets your plot from A to B, and the essential nugget of knowledge that will help you fathom a solution to a seemingly impossible problem. There are many kinds of research: some you do before you start writing and some you only find out you need when you are elbow deep in your […]

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THREE BOOKS THAT INSPIRED ME WHEN I WAS YOUNGER AND INSPIRED ME TO WRITE I have always loved stories. One of my earliest memories is making up adventures for my stuffed toys. And I’ve never really played with dolls; I remember owning a doll as a sort of experiment for a few weeks but it could not keep up with the rest of the crew and was quickly sent back to where it came from. I loved stories and adventures and – since […]

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Why We Write

(for Liz Wilkins – Liz Loves Books) I don’t remember a time when – one way or the other – I wasn’t telling stories. Before I could read and write I would make up whole epic sagas for my toys to distract myself from the boredom of an enforced afternoon nap – it’s the only memory I have of being three years old but it’s a strong one. Once I […]

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